Friday, 24 June 2022

More fabulous poems from Bury CE Primary, Year 3 and 4

Yesterday I shared some wonderful poems written by Years 5 and 6 at Bury CE Primary, West Sussex. Today I would like to share some more poems, this time written by children in Years 3 and 4. I asked everyone to think of their favourite place (big or small; real or imaginary). I then asked everyone to jot down some ideas, using details from their five senses. Afer providing a few model poems, I then gave each pupil a short amount of time to create their own piece. Here are a few of the lovely results:

Mexico by Frida Year 3

The smell

of tacos

being cooked 

and people 


in the streets

the sound 

of people 


and the waves



the shore


speaking Spanish 

and sunbathing

in the sun

Florida by Charlie Year 4

You can hear

The waves crashing 

You can hear

The sunshine burning 

You can hear 

The people eating 

You can hear 

A dog barking 

You can hear 

Crowds shouting 

That’s Florida 

London by Connor Year 3

I went to the window

on the top of the sky 

I saw double decker buses

zooming across the road 

I saw toy shops crowded

with talking people 

I saw the sun reflecting

on the bright red postboxes 

I saw lots of rollercoasters

in the amusement parks 

I saw the Buckingham Palace guards

chatting near the gates

Ukraine by Misha Year 4

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