Tuesday, 7 June 2022

MAD NADS (a univocalic poem - i.e. a poem using only one vowel)

Mad Nads was bad.

Mad Nads was as crazy as bats. 

Mad Nads drank schnapps.

Mad Nads yaps away blandly.

Mad Nads always attacks, and crassly alarms all.

Mad Nads has a vast, warty anal gland - fact!

Mad Nads can snap, snarl, gnash fangs and amass angry karma.

Mad Nads stands apart, and has scant smarts, spark and charm, sadly.

Mad Nads can scram and hang.

Mad Nads: aaaaaarrrrrggghhhh!


NB, 'Mad Nads', or 'Nadine Dorries' to her family, is our 'Culture Secretary'. This is her:

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