Friday, 12 June 2020


If self isolation is getting you down
and you’re feeling unloved and alone;
if mornings begin with a scowl and a frown
and your evenings end up with a groan,

there’s a step you can take that will bolster your pride
and rekindle those feelings of worth.
It’s a thing you can do if your ego has died
and your joy’s buried deep in the earth.

It starts with your phone: simply fire it up
now it’s time for a bit of ‘self care’.
When you swallow a sip from your own loving cup
you don’t need to be part of a pair.

So blow your own horn! Toot your own flute!
Yes throw your own doggie a bone!
Take time to delight in your hard labour’s fruit
as you get yourself back in the zone.

Now why do you give me that quizzical look?
Tell sadness to get on its bike!
All I’m saying is this: log into Facebook

and give your own status a ‘Like’.

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