Wednesday, 17 June 2020


The fantastic students at Catton Grove Primary school have been regularly engaging with the poetry ideas I have been posting on Twitter and other places during the lockdown. Their teacher Scott recently got in touch with another wonderful batch of poetry, which I am delighted to share on my blog once again. The challenge I set was to pick an emotion, and to describe it using metaphors. They rose to the challenge, and I am excited and honoured to share the following selection of poems:

Anger by Alfie 

Anger is a volcano ready to erupt
Anger is bomb about to blow up
Anger is a flame about to rise up
Anger is a firework about to ignite
Anger is a mum about to shout
Anger is a starving lion
Anger is an aggressive tiger
Anger is a feeling everyone has
Anger is an emotion.

Pride by Jack

Pride is the dragon that swoops up above everyone else.

Pride is that feeling you get allowing you to be above the top of the top.

Pride is the burning feeling inside when you make a masterpiece.

Pride is the sensation of happiness at the expense of others.

Pride is not a bad thing if you know how to use it.

Let pride get the best of you...

Happiness by Julia

Happiness is waking up in the morning with the sun shining through the window.
Happiness is fireworks bursting inside your body when you are filled with joy.
Happiness is the feeling of achievement when you have worked hard on something.
My family and friends bring me happiness.
Happiness is when you slurp down your spaghetti
Happiness is when you see someone that you love open a gift that you spent time making.
Happiness is little kids squealing and giggling when they play.
Laughing until your tummy hurts is a sign of happiness.
You can’t see happiness but we can all share it and enjoy it.

Depression by Vilte

Depression is when you don’t what to live but you’re too scared to die.

Depression is a black windowless room.

Depression is a trap that’s hard to escape from.

Depression is a monster inside your head.

Depression is pain and fear that you can’t take anymore.

Depression eats you alive until you give up.

Depression is torture.

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