Saturday, 20 June 2020


Was it because of those pictures of cats?
Was it because I had too many spats?
Was it because of my tinfoil hat?
O, where have my followers gone?

Was it because I support the wrong team?
Was it because I’m a bit too extreme?
Was it because of that old racist meme?
O, where have my followers gone?

Was it because I was giving it large?
Was it because my self-pride’s supercharged? 
Was it because I praised Nigel Farage?
O, where have my followers gone?

Was it because I said BLM sucks?
Was it because I call everyone ‘cucks’?
Was it because I’m an arsehole-deluxe?
O, where have my followers gone?

Perhaps it’s because I make everyone sick.
Perhaps it turns out that I’m simply quite thick.
Perhaps it was just that unwanted dick-pic...
O, where have my followers gone?

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