Saturday, 2 July 2022

COLOURS - two beautiful poems from Year 5, Talavera Juniors

I'd like to share two poems written by students in Year 5 at Talavera Junior School in Aldershot. I asked them to think about which colour, or colours, represent them, and to write a poem about it. This activity often tends to produce outstanding work, and these poems are no exception. Hollie-Claire and Ella-Mae should be very proud of themselves!

Amber by Hollie-Claire Year 5

I am orange

and I look like a pile of dead leaves

in autumn

I am orange

and I look like a ginger cat 

I am orange

and I look like a dim candle 

I am orange

and I am not like

my friend black 

He looks like an empty void 

He looks like the midnight sky 

He looks like a dark room 

I am orange

He is black 

We are very different.

Poem by Ella-Mae Year 5 

Blue describes me 

Though I can be black 

Blue is the ocean and the waves 

And black is the rain and thunder 

Blue is innocent like an axolotl 

Black is a raging wolf 

Blue is perfect and happy

Black is dull and sad 

Though black is the rain

That gives way to life 

And blue is the ocean

Deadly and infinite 

Black is possibility

Blue is too 

They’re different

And they’re the same 

Just like me

And you.

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