Monday, 9 May 2022


means that you’re probably not worrying

about paying the bills on time,

or desperately sick relatives,

or your job going down the toilet.

It probably means that your marriage

is in a state of adequacy,

that your roof isn’t leaking,

and that your fridge contains enough food

to last until the end of the week.

Worrying about nuclear war implies

that, in all likelihood, you’re not waiting

for ominous test results,

that your car hasn’t failed its MOT,

and that no brown envelopes squat on your doorstep.

Your cat isn’t missing,

your baby is sleeping through the night,

you’re not being chased by the Mafia.

All in all, it seems, 

your life is pretty good

and apparently you’ve got a lot to lose.

Suck then, on your worries,

like a boiled sweet,

and savour deeply the flavour

of everything that’s yours.

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