Wednesday, 18 May 2022

FOXES - a poem for Year 3, Stanton

I recently paid a lovely visit to Year 3 in Stanton School, Milton Keynes. As part of this particular job, I was tasked with writing the school a bespoke poem. After a brief discussion with their teachers, I discovered that their school field is home to a trio of foxes, and that this fact gives the students much joy. I asked them to suppy me with some more information, including some adjectives, about said foxes, and I used this to create a special poem for them. Behold, then, my poem for Year 3 at Stanton School!

FOXES (For Year 3, Stanton School)

We see them roam at break and lunch

They search for grub on which to munch 

They’re quite a perky, playful bunch – 

The foxes on the field 

In lessons, when we glance outside 

We watch them dart about and hide

They’re bushy-tailed and beady-eyed – 

The foxes on the field

They number three: two big, one small 

Are they ferocious? Not at all

They really have us in their thrall – 

The foxes on the field 

They’re kind and shy and cute, it’s true

They cheer us up when we are blue 

The teachers clean up all their poo – 

The foxes on the field 

Some come to Stanton, and you’ll see

Fox One, Fox Two, and Baby Three

They’re wonderful, we all agree – 

Those foxes on the field!

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