Duty calls? I’m not at home
Tossed my mask and lost my comb
Holidays at no expense
Shuffle bottom on the fence
Wiffle, piffle, bluster, bluff
Latin quotes - can’t get enough!
Shirking roles? I’ve had my fill
Hiding in the hospital
Bodies? Let them pile high!
Shoddy suit and wonky tie
Act the jester, that's my trick
Proles will gobble up my schtick
Rules do not apply to moi
What’s my brief? Je ne sais pas
Gurn and wave, you know the drill
Hiding in the hospital
Cash for me and for my mates
Sitting out those dull debates
Bolly chilling at the bar
Buller! Buller! Ra Ra Ra!
Loads of children, don’t know names
Politics? It’s just a game
At shamelessness I win ten-nil
Hiding in the hospital
Johnson ducks key debate on Tory Corruption by visiting a hospital in Hexham