Saturday, 13 March 2021


During lockdown, our cat Bluebell has been as indispensable source of comfort. What better way to celebrate and acknowledge this than by writing her a 'thank you poem'?


Thank you for crawling across my laptop when I’m tying to work

Thank you for always knocking things off the shelf

Thank you for running outside, realising you don’t like it,

and then running back in

Thank you for curling up like a little cinnamon roll on the sofa

Thank you for scratching at the carpet at 3am

Thank you for ‘christening’ your litter tray as soon as it has been cleaned

Thank you for always cuddling my wife and never me

Thank you for perpetually making me think you might be about to cuddle me

Thank you for your blue eyes and golden coat

Thank you for rolling on your back for belly rubs

Thank you for always being there

Thank you for you

Thank you for being Bluebell...

I am also delighted to share the work of Ms. Binks, with whom I worked at Cypress Primary School a couple of weeks ago. Here is her thank you poem to her cat, Pickles. Why not write a thank you poem to your own pet(s)? It's super easy and fun, and they will definitely appreciate it!

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