Wednesday, 10 February 2021


 As I have noted on more than one occasion, Twitter has been something of a lifeline for me during the lockdown. It has given me a space to interact with teachers, poets, educationalists and miscellaneous weird and wonderful people. Last night, it even enabled me to create a crowd-sourced poem,which I am delighted to share in this blog post. It started with two lines, which I thought of in a moment of idle contemplation:'Where does the flaminGO?/Who made the ostRICH?' I tweeted this out, soliciting for further lines of the same format. I got many more responses than I bargained for. Many of them were clever puns, but were too complicated and did not strictly follow the format. Nonetheless, with the help of several fellow Twitter users, the following poem was constructed:


Where does the flaminGO?

Why did the antELOPE?

Who made the ostRICH?

How did the pengUIN?

What does a doDO?

Can a womBAT?

Why is a cassoWARY?

Who let the robIN?

Do you think the peliCAN?

Why did the porcuPINE?

Is the marmoSET?

Who turned the pigeON?

Can the butterFLY?

Why does the hedgeHOG?

Can you make a malaMUTE?

Why did the cormoRANT?

Who gave the organguTAN?

What did the moUSE?

Why was the spoonbILL?

What made the spanIEL?

Why did the sparROW?

Can the labraDOODLE?

Did a cockaPOO?

Has the centiPEDE?

and finally…

What made the maSTIFF?.......

Here are the Twitter users who helped me with this poem. I suggest following them!













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