Wednesday, 27 May 2020


It’s getting late, we’re stuck indoors,
no trips to pubs or clubs or stores,
but someone had a bright idea
to rescue us from gloom;
a way to help us pass the time,
connect with friends and chat online
a quite fantastic novelty:
we’ll have a quiz on Zoom!

At first it helped to entertain us,
nourish, feed and to sustain us,
but it seems the innovation
wore thin long ago;
now I do it every night,
no longer fun, it’s now a blight
upon my life in lockdown
yet another quiz? Oh no!

My world is now a constant stream
of trivia, my self-esteem 
is growing lower by the day:
I never seem to win.
And even if I did, I think
I’m being driven to the brink;
alas, there’s sod all else to do
but take it on the chin. 

So let us quiz and quiz some more!
Relentlessly, we will keep score,
waiting for the time when we
can step outside again.
We’ll quiz all evening, quiz all day,
we’ll quiz the quarantine away
the pubs will soon be open
so we’ll quiz on Zoom ‘til then.

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