Sunday, 1 March 2015

'What If', poem by Giacomo, Year 6

Last week I had a wonderful visit to St John's Walham Green primary school in Fulham, running workshops with their KS2 classes. In Year 6 we wrote poems based on my piece 'Not A Care in the World'. In the light of this poem, the students wrote about their own fears. I don't want to say much more, other than to share this frankly breathtaking poem by a boy named Giacomo.

What If... by Giacomo, Year 6

What if when I’m older I fail
What if when I’m older I don’t have
any money
What if when I’m older I get lost
and become homeless
What if when I’m older my wife
and children die in a fire and my
house has gone
what if when I’m older
my body gets cancer
what if when I’m older
I’m forced to fight a war
What if I’m in Afghanistan
And get killed at a firing squad
What if when I’m older
I never get married and live alone

What if I could stay a child. 

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