Monday, 19 August 2024

The Website

Every day I refresh the page to see

if my poem has gone up on the website.

Who am I kidding? I do it every hour.

More than once an hour, actually. 

Probably every few minutes. Has the poem

gone up? Has the poem gone up? It hasn’t.

And I’m not sure what to do when it does.

Throw a party? Run naked down the street?

Send a link in an email to the President

of the USA? I know I’ll do none of these things.

I’ll just read the poem over a few times and

go to bed aglow with pride. And then

what? They’ve not paid me for the poem.

I’m no further out of my overdraft than I was

a day or two ago. Letters still pile up

on the mat. The mortgage is still there.

A poem on a website does not a day’s

work make. I can’t eat exposure, however

tasty it looks. See I’m hungry for words.

Feed me with your likes. Glut me with

your clicks. I’ll sell my house for your love.

Joshua Seigal

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