Saturday, 1 April 2023

Poem by Harry, Year 3

A great poetry writing technique is to construct metaphors to describe different emotions. I find that this activity works well with all ages and temperaments. I was especially struck by the following poem, written by Harry. Firstly, Harry is only in Year 3, and I think his work displays a remarkable maturity. Secondly, I think this is the only time someone has ever chosen 'shy' as an emotion in my workshops. Harry goes to Orchard Way school, whom I recently visited. He should be incredibly proud of his lovely poem. 

SHY by Harry, Year 3

Shy is talking to unknown people

Shy is birds when they fly up in the brilliant blue sky 

Shy is when fog surrounds the place 

Shy is all about people

Shy is when I see people and get near them

Shy is just everywhere

Shy is nothing you hear of 

Shy is what you feel

And it’s not a good feeling

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