Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Kenning Poems with Year 1, Longfield Primary School, Harrow

I had a marvellous time yesterday working with KS1 at Longfield Primary School. I worked with seven classes throughout the day, and given the time constraints I had to come up with a way of producing a piece of shared writing. With three of the classes I wrote Kenning Poems. The idea was to describe an animal using two-word circumlocutions instead of one-word nouns. With each of the classes, I went through the following steps:

1) choose an ANIMAL to write about
2) think of FIVE VERBS associated with that animal
3) add a NOUN or an ADJECTIVE 
at the beginning of each verb, along with the suffic 'er' at the end
4) think of an ACTION to go with each line

Here, then, are the three poems we came up with. The whole process took ten minutes - a fab, fast poetry activity!

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