Monday, 25 April 2022

a poem for Holly Park Primary School, Barnet

Last week I was lucky enough to pay a fantastic visit to Holly Park Primary School. Not only is this a wonderful school, it is extremely local, so I even got a bit of a lie in! Anyone who knows me will know how important this is. Prior to the visit, I was asked to write a poem for the school. Their wonderful Year 6 teacher, Ms. Sampson, collected from the children a list of ideas as to what makes someone a 'Holly Parker'. I then fashioned these ideas into the following poem. I hope you enjoy it!


Loyal and friendly

A warm, kind heart

The books, the reading

The drawing and art

A hand to hold

When times grow darker – 

That’s what makes

A Holly Parker

The singing assemblies

And football teams

Games in the playground

The laughter and screams

The motivation

To go far

That’s what makes us

Who we are

Equality, diversity

And dialogue

Cuddles and snuffles

With Poppy the dog*

Turn on the light

And look at the spark – 

That’s what makes us

Holly Park!

*Poppy is the school dog. She is absolute gorgeous!

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