Monday, 21 February 2022

Excellent Poems from North Newton Primary School, Somerset

Year 5 & 6 pupils at North Newton Primary School in Somerset have been looking at my poem 'Don't Get Me Started', and writing their own versions! Their Teaching Assistant, Ms. Larcombe, recently got in touch to share some of the results, and I am delighted to be able to publish a selection of their fantastic poetry on my blog. A huge well done to all involved. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Don’t make it happen. by Tom

When your Mum turns off the TV

When the switch controller dies

When you step in slush at flip out

Don’t make it happen.

When juice goes on your clean clothes

When the Pringles get broken

When you stub your toe against a door

Don’t make it happen.

When your cereal goes very soggy

When sand gets in your eyes

When a motor bike goes past at night

Don’t make it happen.

This is what annoys me by Layla

When your work is on display

When you’re lost for words to say

When you don’t know what to play-

This is what annoys me.

When your work is not complete

When Lego gets stuck on your feet

When you cannot chew your meat-

This is what annoys me.

When siblings eat your favorite food

When you're desperate for the loo

When the sky is grey not blue-

This is what annoys me.

When my phone has one percent

When I don’t know what they meant-

When poems don’t have any rhythm.

Never do this!!! by Rosanna

When people chew their sleeves at school

When people wee in the swimming pool

When people pretend to act so cool

Never do this!!!

When people don’t use their brain

When people don’t board their plane

When its non-stop rain

Never do this!!!

When you drop your phone in a puddle

When dogs must wear a muzzle

When I can't finish a puzzle

Never do this!!!

When you get stung by a black bee

When you have to count to three

When I forget my keys

Never do this!!!

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