Wednesday, 1 April 2020


I am very privileged to be teaming up with Love Reading 4 Kids to offer an exciting online poetry workshop. You can watch the video here:

Yesterday Abi (age 10) got in touch with a fantastic poem she had written, based on my workshop. Here is Abi's wonderful poem:

Freedom of the Orange by Abigail Marks aged 10

Orange of Freedom

Orange of life

Orange of wonder and

Orange of magic

Orange of the world

Orange of music

Orange of talent

Orange of opening the door

Orange of the sunset makes you feel warm

Orange of the ocean

Orange of the sun going behind you

Orange of the tree you fall from.

But it doesn't end there! Abi's mum Ros also gave it a go, proving that poetry can be enjoyed at any age. Here is Ros's fan piece:

Apple of my Eye  by Ros Marks - aged too old to say

Your blossom envelopes me like a blanket of love
White and pink, so delicate are your features.
I am sad when you are blown from me,
Gone for another year.
I will wait, for you are my love.

I will wait for you.
Wait for you.
Wait for you

The weather cools with autumns arrival.
I marvel at your beauty once more.
Red, pink, green.  Big, small, round.
You tease me with your beauty.

I will wait, for you are my love.
I will wait for you.
Wait for you.
Wait for you.

Each day I watch with bated breath.
Your majestic branches holding your fruit
Like a mother holding a baby.
I watch you grow with ever increasing anticipation.

I will wait, for you are my love.
I will wait for you.
Wait for you.
Wait for you.

At last you are ready to leave the protection of your branch.
I catch you in my outstretched hands.
Gently I hold you, as I savour the moment.
My mouth watering with anticipation.

I could wait no longer to taste your juiciness.
And then you are gone.

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