Saturday, 25 April 2020


This poem was written in response to a claim made by Donald Tr*mp that bleach might have curative effects on Coronavirus.


You can cast away your clothing
And get naked on the beach
You can stand upon your balcony
And then begin to preach 
You can juggle with a pineapple
Or nectarine or peach
But I really must beseech you - 
Don’t be drinking fuckin bleach. 

You can amble to the kitchen
Where you might switch on the kettle
You can run around your garden
and then dive into some nettles
You can strap on your old air guitar
And rock to heavy metal
But I really can’t be clear enough
Don’t drink no fuckin Dettol

Yes I have some simple words for you
I know you are expectant
I want you to be self-aware
And start to be reflectant
So if you think you want to search
For some kind of injectant
I really, really have to say


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