Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Telephone Messages - NPD Activity for KS1

I am delighted to be an official National Poetry Day Ambassador for 2016! In the run up to the day, on 6th October, I shall be periodically posting some workshop ideas on this blog. Here is a very simple idea aimed at KS1 classes. The idea is inspired by Michael Rosen's 'Down Behind The Dustbin' poems. Imagine the telephone is ringing. Who might be leaving a message, and what might they be saying?

Ring, Ring!

Ring, Ring!
My name is Mike.
Help me out,
I’ve lost my bike!

Ring, Ring!
My name is Fred.
I’ve got an apple
On my head!

Ring, Ring!
My name is Will.
I’m running round,
I can’t keep still!

Ring, Ring!
My name is….


The idea here is to explore rhyme and play with ideas. This could either be done with shared writing on the board, or individually or in pairs. Prizes could be awarded for the funniest idea.


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