Saturday, 9 July 2016


I am delighted to announce that two students with whom I worked at St Paul's CE Primary School in Mill Hill, London, won an award for their poem at the recent Verse Vs Verse inter-schools poetry slam, run by Eastside Educational Trust. Here is their fantastic poem, reprinted with the permission of their teacher!

The Real Me - by Itohan and Chineye (Year 5)
Nobody knows this about me, because I act kind, honest and tidily in class.
Also I have a great imagination and I’m very creative.
I imagine great wacky stuff like great big ants and volcanos erupting on cities and I especially imagine these things when I’m bored.
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
I’m like a turtle stuck in its shell
I’m like a lioness without her cub.
Even though I’m afraid of showing who I really am, for once I feel like I should open up to people and stop worrying of what they’re going to think of me.
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
Without my unique personality I feel like I have no soul no heart and no life within me
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
Now I’m going to let my feelings out and show the world who I really am
I’m not a shy person who never gets noticed anymore.
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
So now you know the real me.

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