The following idea is not entirely original, but I have adapted it and made it my own. It is really very simple. Each child gets a large sheet of coloured paper, which they have to rip up into pieces. Each child then takes it in turns to come to the front and put the paper in a big bowl to make a 'soup'. They can stir it with a spoon. Whilst each child is going this, the group recites this rhyme, along with the appropriate actions:
Paper Soup
Paper soup
Paper soup
Rip the pieces up
Paper soup
Paper soup
Put them in a cup
Paper soup
Paper soup
Stir it round and round
Paper soup
Paper soup
Listen to the sound
Paper soup
Paper soup
Have a little taste
Paper soup
Paper soup
Pull a funny face!
Finally, each child grabs a handful of the 'soup' and sticks the pieces onto paper plates, to make their own yummy meal. (Just don't let them eat it, for God's sake!)