Friday, 28 March 2014

A Lovely Email I Received Recently

Last month I had a lovely visit to Holtsmere End Infant School in Hertfordshire, a school which I have now visited twice (you can read about the visit here if you like). I led informal workshops for two Year 2 classes, and did FIVE performances - one for Nursery, one for each Reception class and one each for joint groups of Year 1 and 2 children.

I recently received the following delightful email, from someone whose grandson saw me perform. One of the reasons I keep this blog is so that I have a written record of good things that happen, not so I can blow my own trumpet - I hope it doesn't come across that way - but so that, if ever I get downhearted, I can remind myself that what I do is worthwhile and has a positive impact on people. Anyway, here is the message I received:

Dear Joshua,
A few weeks ago you attended and performed at the primary school that our grandson attends in Woodhall Farm, Hemel Hempstead.
Now, our Ryan has had difficulty with his reading and writing, and it has been difficult to get him  inspired, in spite of having a cupboard full of books.
He has not stopped talking about 'Oosha Magoosha' since, and he even remembered your name!   We have purchased 'My Grandpa's Beard' which will be his Easter present (far better than chocolate!).   Thank you, too, for your personal message in the book (he'll love that).
Kind Regards,
[name supplied]
P.S.   We have enjoyed the poems too!!!

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