Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Teacher sends me a rhyming email

I can't help but get a little pang of excitement whenever an email from a teacher pops up in my inbox. Usually it means that I am in demand for a school visit! However, something truly unique happened to me yesterday: a teacher sent me an inquiry about visiting her school, and it was written in rhyming verse! Since this has never happened before, I asked the teacher's permission to display her poem on this here blog, and I am very grateful to Jackie, from South Hill School in Hemel Hempstead, that she agreed to let me do do. Here is Jackie's email to yours truly: 

Hello Joshua,
I hope that you are fine.
Poetry is also a love of mine.
To get our school motivated, is my plea,
So,   would you kindly be able to help me.
Details of your workshop , please provide
Virtual or real life, we can then decide.
Prices, dates, timings of the day...
To celebrate words in a fun and enlivening way!

I told her that I would love to visit, and gave her some potential dates. She even sent a rhyming reply:

Thanks so much for the prompt reply,
Faster than springtime showers as said that Shakespeare guy!
I will get back to you on dates for the school to book,
And a yes for your blog..for all to have a look!!

Bravo! Other teachers now have a lot to live up to!!

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