Thursday, 21 September 2023


Eton have put in an order.

They require a cabin or two. 

They can’t do their Latin

unless they are sat in

a hut, with a draught blowing through.

Eton have put in an order. 

The cloisters, they’re just not enough.

To bone up on Greek

and the knowledge they seek

they need something a little more rough.

Eton have put in an order.

Apparently pupils learn best

when they’re cooped like a hen

in a little tin pen

while they’re doing their algebra test.

Yes, Eton have put in an order,

since producing the minds of the nation

is not about dosh;

they need nothing that’s posh – 

it just calls for some cool corrugation.

[Education Secretary Gillian Keegan opines that some children like learning in portacabins, after being forced to used them because of crumbling schools]

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