Sunday 5 July 2020

on the loss of my lockdown beard


So long then. Farewell. I’ll miss you my friend.
For multiple weeks you have clung to my face.
I have to move on and our union must end. 
The moment has come to unclasp our embrace. 

So long then. Adieu. I’ll miss you my chum. 
My wife says you’re scratchy and somewhat unkempt. 
I do what I'm told for I’m under her thumb
and she holds you, quite frankly, in utter contempt. 

But she doesn’t know you like I do, my sweet.
You’ve stood by my side through the toughest of times.
Without you, I fear, I will feel incomplete
but this life is unfair and the death knell, it chimes. 

Goodbye then. Godspeed. Sayonara and ciao. 
Yet don’t be downhearted; I rather foresee
though the clippers are out and it’s over for now
we’ll be meeting again in a fortnight or three.