Wednesday, 27 February 2019


Yesterday I had a fantastic time working with KS2 classes at Chalfont Valley, which is part of the E-ACT Academy chain where I am poet-in-residence. In Year 5 we wrote metaphor poems. I asked pupils to think of a person (or animal!) they love and admire, and to describe them using metaphors. I am thrilled to be able to share three lovely poems that were produced. Enjoy!

You Are by Phoebe

You are my bed
covering me with a sheet

You are my music
moving me to the beat

You are my teddy bear
I can hold you really tight

You are my books
making sure that every word is right

You are my headphones
enjoying all the sounds

you are my school
sometimes I can’t leave your grounds

You are my popcorn
always have something for the movie

You are my dance floor
you make me want to boogie

You are my sun
you are shimmering with shine

You are my rose
you feel like my heart’s divine

My Mummy by Mimi

You are my sun
Shining bright on me
You are my bed
Keeping me snuggly and warm
You are my moon
Shining at night in my room
You are my world
Keeping me safe
From the ooglie booglies
You are my everything
Keeping me safe
When I am sleeping

Wuff Wuff by Leo

You are my alarm
Keeping me alert

You are my bed
Keeping me safe

You are my PS4
Making time go by

You are my watch
Keeping me informed

You are my cup of tea
Keeping me warm

You are my chihuahua dog
And I love you

The way you are.

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