Tuesday, 12 July 2016


Did I Ever Tell You

how much I love you?

I love you more
than the yawn
of the morning sun.

I love you more
than the warmth
of my mum’s hug.

I love you more
than the swish
of the summer trees.

I love you more
than the kiss
of a cost blanket.

You are hot
You are crusty
You are cheesy



Image result for pizza love

you can write love poems about anything, not just people. Based on my poem above, here are some love poems written by my students.

Guess What by Safiyah

I really need you
I love you!
You are precious
I won't let ANYONE touch you
You stay right next to me in school
You are really cool
and useful

iPhone by Mahrukh

You are my Google
You are my sweets
You are my pillow
You are my bedroom
You are my school bag
You are my house
You are my blanket
You are my pencil case
You are my world
You are my everything
You are
You are my iPhone
the best iPhone ever

Saturday, 9 July 2016


I am delighted to announce that two students with whom I worked at St Paul's CE Primary School in Mill Hill, London, won an award for their poem at the recent Verse Vs Verse inter-schools poetry slam, run by Eastside Educational Trust. Here is their fantastic poem, reprinted with the permission of their teacher!

The Real Me - by Itohan and Chineye (Year 5)
Nobody knows this about me, because I act kind, honest and tidily in class.
Also I have a great imagination and I’m very creative.
I imagine great wacky stuff like great big ants and volcanos erupting on cities and I especially imagine these things when I’m bored.
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
I’m like a turtle stuck in its shell
I’m like a lioness without her cub.
Even though I’m afraid of showing who I really am, for once I feel like I should open up to people and stop worrying of what they’re going to think of me.
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
Without my unique personality I feel like I have no soul no heart and no life within me
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
Now I’m going to let my feelings out and show the world who I really am
I’m not a shy person who never gets noticed anymore.
This is who I really am
Let me out, let me out
No more fighting who I really am
This is me.
So now you know the real me.