Thursday, 16 January 2025

Poems from The Westborough School, Essex

I have just had a lovely visit to The Westborough School, in Westcliffe-On-Sea. I did two assembly performances, followed by two workshops with each of their fantastic Year 6 classes. What made this visit extra special was the fact that one of the teachers presented me with a poem she had written! I think it is a really great poem, not just because I feature in it, but because it makes impeccable use of rhyme and meter. I am also extremely grateful that the teacher in question agreed to my sharing the poem on my blog. So here it is:

I would also like to share another poem, written by one of the Year 6 pupils. This pupil wanted to remain anonymous, and she also said her poem wasn't finished (when is a poem ever finished?), but I hope you'll agree that it's a really lovely piece of work:

Thank you so much to The Westborough School for having me in!

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