Wednesday, 11 March 2020


You can give her a ball
or a small fluffy toy;
you can hand her a plaything
for her to enjoy; 
you can come home all laden
with ramps, posts and blocks,
but all that she’ll want
is a plain cardboard box. 

You can go to the pet shop
and fritter your dosh
on fancy contraptions
that seem rather posh;
you can hope that your purchases
will entertain her,
but all that she’ll want
is the cardboard container. 

You can have lots of love
and the best of intentions
and spend all your time
coming up with inventions,
but all that you do
she will deem unacceptable:
all that she’ll crave
is the cardboard receptacle.

So listen in closely
and heed my advice:
no matter your gift
and no matter how nice,
the only thing certain
is this paradox:
all that she’ll want
is the damn cardboard BOX!

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