Tuesday, 8 May 2018

INSIDE - a poetry workshop idea

I recently read two poems that inspired me, 'A Helping Hand' by Miroslav Holub, and 'Russian Doll' by Rachel Rooney. I was inspired to write the following:


Inside the child
a heart is beating

Inside the heart
a poem is sleeping

inside the poem
a word is whizzing

Inside the word
a secret is fizzing

Inside the secret
a whisper is hushing

Inside the whisper
a river is rushing

Inside the river
a bubble’s expanding

Inside the bubble
a spaceship is landing

Inside the spaceship
a child is dreaming

Inside the child
a heart is beating

With all of these poems in mind, students can have a go at writing their own poems, using the following format:

Inside..... is .......
Inside..... is....... 

Here are some more examples:

Inside the acorn
an oak tree flexes its muscles
Inside the ball
a goal longs to be scored
Inside the cub
roar the fangs of a lion
Inside the cat
Lurk nine secret lives... 

Image result for patterns

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