Monday, 17 July 2017


This is a Poem
If this is a poem then does that mean that other things not like this are not poems?
And does it mean that other things like this are also poems?
To what are were referring when we talk of ‘this’?
What would Professor Mandelbaum say?
If this is not a poem does that mean it will never be one?
And if it is a poem does that mean it will always be one?
If I think it is a poem does that mean you should too?
And if we both think it is a poem, but Professor Bernstein disagrees,
then does that mean we are wrong?
Should we seek a fourth opinion?
What is the use of opinions anyway?
How should we back this up?
Look into my eyes look into my eyes look into my eyes
Now look back at the poem.
Is it still a poem?
If it wasn’t a poem before might it be one now?
If it is still a poem, then does that mean that other things like this are still poems?
And if it is a poem, is it a good poem?
If it’s not good does that mean it will  never be good?
Does it change depending on who is looking at it?
What if the person looking at it is Professor Rosenblatt?
Look into my eyes look into my eyes look into my eyes
Now look back at the poem.
Turn it upside down.
Is it still a poem?
If it is still a poem, is it the same poem as it was before?
If it is still a poem, but not the same one it was before,
then if I turn another poem upside down will it have the same effect?
And if I turn this poem upside down tomorrow,
will it be the same poem that was turned upside down today?
If I turn the world upside down will this still be a poem?
Look into me eyes look into my eyes look into my eyes
Now look back at the poem.
This is a poem. 

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