One of the great things about poems, I think, is that they can be extremely short. A fun idea for a writing warm up, or even for a short workshop session, is to come up with one word poems. Yes, such a thing can be done! Here is one by Roger Stevens, published in his recent anthology Off By Heart, in which - ahem - I also have a poem:
A Poem That Despite Being Only One Word Long, Can Sometimes Make a Crowd be Quiet, and can be Easily Understood by a Baby
Now of course the poems isn't really only one word, because it has an elaborate title. Calling it a 'one-word poem' is therefore a sort of joke. The workshop challenge, then, is to think of a word to serve as your one-word poem, and to give it a long, interesting title. Here are some of my own examples:
A Poem That My Mum and Dad Recite When My Sister And I Ask Them If We Can Get a Puppy
A Poem That, For Some Reason, Can Make Rather Immature Children, and Some Adults, Laugh
The trick here is not simply to parrot a dictionary definition of the word; it is to think of a funny, interesting way in which that word plays a part in your life. It might help if you provide a list of potential words for children to use as their one-word poems. Here is a quick sample, just off the top of my head:
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
- Quiet!
- Ouch
- Yum
- Wah!
Professional performance poet! MA in Writing/Education. Books published by Bloomsbury. Sharing my poetry, students' work, and miscellanea. Posts not always child friendly. Please also visit my main website:
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Day and Night - Workshop Idea (& Poem) for KS2/3
Day and Night
In the
I haul
myself from the warmth of my sheets
yawn as I take a shower.
I have
a quick breakfast, then put
poems into my backpack.
On my
way to school I worry about
the kids will like me;
the new poem I’ve written
make them laugh,
whether the teacher
invite me back.
kids laugh
some kids don’t.
On my
way back home I think about
all the
things I could have done
I bury my mind
in the
pages of a book,
eat supper
and go to bed.
shower in laughter and money.
I have
a thousand doughnuts
breakfast, and never get fat.
poem I write brings joy
children across the globe,
causes countries
to lay
down their arms.
queue twice
the world
invite me to their schools.
night there is no such thing
Every cloud
is the hug of a parent.
thunderclap is a round of applause,
every drop of rain
is a
funny joke.
.........................Firstly, I hope you enjoyed this poem. When writing it I faced something of a dilemma: should I write the poem from 'my' point of view, or from the point of view of a child? Much of my poetry takes place from the latter point of view, or at least blurs the distinction, but the above poem very much adopts the perspective of a fully-grown, adult poet. The 'I' of the above poem is not a child, or pseudo-child. I'm sure this is a very important issue within the realm of children's poetry, and children's literature generally, but I'm not sure whether here is the best place to discuss it. What I would say is that I hope the resultant sense of 'authenticity' acts as a spur for the children's own writing. What I would like to do now is to outline an idea for a poetry workshop, based on some of the ideas in my poem.
- Warm Up
Each student writes a 'timeline' of a typical day. They can include the events that occur, and how they feel about them. Each student could aim to jot down five such events, which span the space between getting up and going to bed.
- Poem Sharing and Discussion
Share my poem 'Night and Day' (above) with the students. Discuss the difference between what happens 'in the day' and what happens 'at night'. Is one true and the other false? What kind of language have I used towards the end of the poem?
- Poem Writing
Using the ideas generated in the warm up, students write their own 'Night and Day' poems. The key idea here is to contrast reality with the imagination; to juxtapose the mundane with the fantastical, and to reify the dreams, ambitions and desires that the students have. I hope this exercise shows that poetry can encompass both the real and the imaginary, and can blur and question the distinction between the two. As ever, enjoy!
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
The Nasty Box - workshop idea for all ages
I have lost count of the number of times I've visited schools to discover that the children have been using Kit Wright's famous poem 'The Magic Box' as a model for their own writing. The poem is very well suited to this, filled as it is with rich imagery wrapped up in a scaffold that is very easy and enjoyable to mimic. But why not go for something a little more original, or at least give children the option of going in a different direction? Instead of a magic box filled with wonder, why not have a 'nasty box' filled with bad stuff? This has the advantage of maintaining the helpful scaffolding whilst at the same time fostering a sense of mischievousness in subverting the original piece.
In my poem 'The Nasty Box' below, I have maintained Wright's structure, whilst changing the nature of the box.
The Nasty Box
I will
put in the box
bark of a dog, keeping me awake at night,
from the mouth of an angry volcano
graze on my knee from when I fell over.
I will
put in the box
snowball filled with bits of dirt,
a fizzy
drink that’s gone warm and flat,
stomach ache and a trip to the doctor.
I will
put in my box
deafening taunts of a thousand bullies,
snarling teacher with sharpened fangs,
the red
crosses on my failed homework.
My box
is fashioned from decaying bark
fungus on the lid and ants in the corner.
hinges are the knuckles terrible ogres.
I shall
bury my box
deep in
the bowels of a dense forest
like a lost tribe,
it will never be
As ever, I'd start by getting children to write a list of bad things, perhaps memories, people they find annoying, or things they find ugly, distasteful or scary. I would then introduce Wright's poem, and compare it with my own above, before letting the children loose on their own pieces.
Please note that there are many famous poems that can be subverted in this way. Another great example could be Adrian Henri's poem 'Love Is'. Why not get children to write a poem called 'Hate Is'. I personally find the latter much more fun!
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Poetry as Escapism
There are many ways people deal with depression. Anyone familiar with my poetry and other writing, or indeed my style of performing, teaching and workshop leading, might be hard pressed to find signs that I have suffered from, and to varying degrees continue to suffer from, depression. There are a handful of places that might yield some clues: I acknowledged it in one of my first blog posts, and some of my poems contain a dark edge that I hope distinguishes me from the plethora of exclusively humorous and whimsical children's poets, but the truth is that signs of my condition may not be obvious to those who know me primarily in my capacity as a poet.
One of the reasons for this is because, working as a self-employed freelancer, I haven't really had a 'boss' or 'colleagues' for whom this information is necessary. On the thankfully very rare occasions when I have been unable to undertake an assignment, I have been able to pass this off as being down to some other more mundane, less awkward form of illness. In any case, I almost always find that getting out of the house and my mind and into a school to work with children helps my mood. If people see me at all they almost always see me on a 'good' day, and working as a peripatetic poet (how's that for alliteration!) means that I seldom spend long enough in any one place to be anything other than the high-octane entertainer those places have paid for. Which suits me well, I think.
Another reason is that, the aforementioned dark edge aside, much of my poetry is light-hearted, even a little bit silly. Since dabbling with confessional, angst-ridden poetry as a teenager - which yielded some of the most truly execrable writing ever produced by humankind, I should add - I have tended to shy away from writing anything that hits me too close to the bone. There are again exceptions, notably a piece I have used with teenagers, which is reprinted at the end of this blog entry, and this piece, which ended up getting the most 'likes' out of anything I've ever posted on Facebook. (Because that is of course the most important way in which popularity is measured nowadays.)
I have tended to avoid writing overtly about feeling depressed in part because, when writing is used primarily for catharsis, it is very easy to write badly. Or it is easy for me, anyway. But a more important reason, a reason that strikes firmly at the heart of who I am as a poet, is because I tend to view poetry, both in terms of writing and consuming, as a kind of escapism. This means that depression is integral to who I am as a poet, but that this manifests itself in ways that are not obvious. When I am feeling really low, for example, I usually find that it serves me better to write a funny poem about Dracula than it does to reflect on the injustices I perceive myself to suffer. Similarly, I almost always find watching stand-up comedy, or a poet like John Hegley or Tim Key, preferable to watching poets who wear their hearts on their sleeves (some of whom, like Shane Koyczan, I find emotionally unbearable in their intensity). Absolutely none of this is to elevate one mode of expression above any other. None of this is to pass judgment on what other people enjoy or find worthwhile; it is not even to say that I don't myself see the often transformative worth in a lot of the more hard-hitting, confessional life-writing that people call 'Spoken Word'. It is simply to say that, in my capacity as a depressive, it is fun children's poetry that really hits at my core. It is that which gets me out of bed (and occasionally keeps me out). And coming up with a nifty piece of alliteration, finding interesting synonyms, playing about with rhyme-schemes, finding a funny punchline - these are the things that, to borrow a phrase from my teenage musings, 'salve my wounded soul'. As does writing about it in this blog entry.
Thanks for your time.
One of the reasons for this is because, working as a self-employed freelancer, I haven't really had a 'boss' or 'colleagues' for whom this information is necessary. On the thankfully very rare occasions when I have been unable to undertake an assignment, I have been able to pass this off as being down to some other more mundane, less awkward form of illness. In any case, I almost always find that getting out of the house and my mind and into a school to work with children helps my mood. If people see me at all they almost always see me on a 'good' day, and working as a peripatetic poet (how's that for alliteration!) means that I seldom spend long enough in any one place to be anything other than the high-octane entertainer those places have paid for. Which suits me well, I think.
Another reason is that, the aforementioned dark edge aside, much of my poetry is light-hearted, even a little bit silly. Since dabbling with confessional, angst-ridden poetry as a teenager - which yielded some of the most truly execrable writing ever produced by humankind, I should add - I have tended to shy away from writing anything that hits me too close to the bone. There are again exceptions, notably a piece I have used with teenagers, which is reprinted at the end of this blog entry, and this piece, which ended up getting the most 'likes' out of anything I've ever posted on Facebook. (Because that is of course the most important way in which popularity is measured nowadays.)
I have tended to avoid writing overtly about feeling depressed in part because, when writing is used primarily for catharsis, it is very easy to write badly. Or it is easy for me, anyway. But a more important reason, a reason that strikes firmly at the heart of who I am as a poet, is because I tend to view poetry, both in terms of writing and consuming, as a kind of escapism. This means that depression is integral to who I am as a poet, but that this manifests itself in ways that are not obvious. When I am feeling really low, for example, I usually find that it serves me better to write a funny poem about Dracula than it does to reflect on the injustices I perceive myself to suffer. Similarly, I almost always find watching stand-up comedy, or a poet like John Hegley or Tim Key, preferable to watching poets who wear their hearts on their sleeves (some of whom, like Shane Koyczan, I find emotionally unbearable in their intensity). Absolutely none of this is to elevate one mode of expression above any other. None of this is to pass judgment on what other people enjoy or find worthwhile; it is not even to say that I don't myself see the often transformative worth in a lot of the more hard-hitting, confessional life-writing that people call 'Spoken Word'. It is simply to say that, in my capacity as a depressive, it is fun children's poetry that really hits at my core. It is that which gets me out of bed (and occasionally keeps me out). And coming up with a nifty piece of alliteration, finding interesting synonyms, playing about with rhyme-schemes, finding a funny punchline - these are the things that, to borrow a phrase from my teenage musings, 'salve my wounded soul'. As does writing about it in this blog entry.
Thanks for your time.
It’s Like To Get Out Of Bed When You’re Depressed
the weight of the room
down on your chest, and heaviness
hostages in your throat.
light charging under your blinds
an invading army, occupying you,
birds cursing the day
their cynical songs.
vomit in your stomach and shit in your brain.
bullying voices telling you to get up,
a crate of leaden limbs
to obey.
your mum crying outside your room, wondering
she’s done wrong; your dad
the door on his way to work.
hot acid shampoo in the shower,
into your head and shoulders,
old clothes hung like sackcloth
your scarecrow bones.
standing in a field with
day an open chasm before you.
having arms with no joints,
So you can’t get the fallen
fruitTuesday, 15 July 2014
Workshop Idea KS1 - Repetition
First off, here's a little poem based on my (sort of) namesakes:
This poem can be used to model REPETITION. Perhaps aided by a series of pictures, ask the children to pick an animal, and to come up with as many verbs and action phrases as possible to describe the sorts of things that animal does. So for example, a lion might prowl, pounce, gobble zebras, scare other animals, etc.
Next, think of a phrase to be repeated. In my example above this is simply the name of the animal. Once a phrase has been decided upon, simply slot in the verbs after each iteration, like so:
lion, lion
pouncing, prowling
lion, lion,
gobbling zebras
lion, lion,
scaring creatures
Needless to say, there are any number of variations this could take. It could rhyme, but it definitely doesn't have to. It could be done with adjectives instead of verbs, or both. It could be done in groups, in pairs, or individually. It could be done using animals or something else - modes of transport perhaps. The important thing here is the use of a repeated phrase as a kind of 'coat hanger' on which to hang the rest of the poem. Enjoy!
stealing chips!This poem can be used to model REPETITION. Perhaps aided by a series of pictures, ask the children to pick an animal, and to come up with as many verbs and action phrases as possible to describe the sorts of things that animal does. So for example, a lion might prowl, pounce, gobble zebras, scare other animals, etc.
Next, think of a phrase to be repeated. In my example above this is simply the name of the animal. Once a phrase has been decided upon, simply slot in the verbs after each iteration, like so:
lion, lion
pouncing, prowling
lion, lion,
gobbling zebras
lion, lion,
scaring creatures
Needless to say, there are any number of variations this could take. It could rhyme, but it definitely doesn't have to. It could be done with adjectives instead of verbs, or both. It could be done in groups, in pairs, or individually. It could be done using animals or something else - modes of transport perhaps. The important thing here is the use of a repeated phrase as a kind of 'coat hanger' on which to hang the rest of the poem. Enjoy!
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