I had the pleasure yesterday of working with the fantastic Year 5 children at Thomas Buxton Primary School, London. I am really delighted to share the following poem, which came out of one of the workshops. We focused on using personificiation to describe emotions. The thing that stood out to me about the following poem was the adept use of rhyme. During workshops I normally discourage rhyming, as it can get in the way of what pupils want to say; the poem below is a nice exception to this rule!
ANGER by Zafir, Year 5
I am the emotion of rude hitting
I am the feeling of grandma messing up her knitting
I am the stench of expired milk
I am the feeling of ruining expensive silk
I am a lion in a cage
I am full of rage
I am fire, smoke and lava
I am the disappointment of my father
I am like prowling wolves and tigers
I am like a pack of wild hyenas
I am thunder and lightning
I am very frightening